What to write for a dating profile

dating profile bio online dating bio
Title of the blog and a photo of dating coach Rachel Simeone in a circle

Finding the right partner starts with attracting the right partner and your dating bio is a critical first step to finding a great guy to date.

As a dating coach, I’ve helped dozens of women write, tweak and refine their profiles for online dating. Today,  I want to share my best advice on how to write a longer form dating profile for a site like OkCupid or Eharmony.  

First, start with a two or three sentence overview

Begin your profile with a short overview of who you are. Share a bit of your background including things like where you are from, how long you have lived where you live and how you like to spend your free time.

Think of this as a summary of you. Are you a chai drinking urban yoga girl or a suburban corporate lawyer who burns off her day with a run with her dog?

Next, write two or three paragraphs describing what is important to you

What things in your life are most important to you? Choose two or three important things that you want a potential partner to know about you.

Write a paragraph about each. Your goal is to be as specific and descriptive as possible.  Paint a picture of who you are for your profile reader.

You may enjoy working out, but how do you like to work out? Do you like to run along the beach with your dog at dawn or are you more into biking at the gym while you listen to a podcast? 

Remember that there are no right or wrong answers, only what is true for you. When you are specific about how you like to spend your time, you are more likely to attract a guy who enjoys similar things.

Do you struggle to identify what is important to you? My post Your dating criteria. What they are and why you need them can help!

Write a paragraph about what you are looking for in a partner

Be sure to include some information about the type of person you are hoping to meet in your profile. Here you will want to focus on values or character more than characteristics.

For example, rather than specifying that potential dates must have a master’s degree or higher, think about what is important about having a master’s degree. Are you looking for someone with a curious mind? Or, are you looking for someone to share your love for literature with?

One client thought she wanted a man who was 6 feet or taller. But what she realized, when she thought about it that she felt big and she didn’t want to feel big in her relationship. Once she realized that she was able to move away from the characteristics and ask herself how the date made her feel. She is happily partnered with a man who is taller than her, but under 6 feet tall.

Share what you are looking for in a relationship

It is critically important to be clear about what you are looking for in a relationship. If you are looking for something long-term and monogamous, this is the time to say so. Likewise, if your idea of long-term is only one night, share that.  This is the time to say so.  

Mention any deal breakers

You will also want to be sure to mention any deal breakers. It’s best to get things like how far you are willing to travel for a relationship or wanting/not wanting kids out in the open so that you don’t waste time with someone who doesn't want what you are looking for. Mention your deal breakers positively, but don’t be afraid to include them.

The definition of success here is to be honest about what you want so that you don’t waste your time with men who aren't a match.

End your profile

The best way to end your profile is with either a question or a sentence that asks a man to message you if he is interested.  You can find more information on how to end your dating profile here.

If you’re struggling to write a dating profile that attracts the right kind of guy, my free guide How to Write the Perfect Online Dating Profile is designed to unstick you. You can get a copy here.

Just want someone to write your profile? Book a free dating strategy call. On this call, we can discuss your vision for your dating profile and how I can help to make that vision a reality.


About Me

Hi, I’m Rachel Simeone and my coaching practice is designed to empower high-achieving professional women to achieve the same success in their romantic relationships that they have in their careers.

To get started, schedule a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll identify your dating goals, establish your dating style, and discuss a dating strategy that will empower you to find the relationship you desire faster and with less emotional toll.

Receive my free guide How to Write the Perfect Online Dating Profile!

Sign up to receive step by step instructions on how to write a compelling, authentic profile, choose your best photos, and attract a great guy!