As a dating and relationship coach, a question that I get asked frequently is “What’s the best dating app? Is it Bumble, Hinge, OKC?” I also hear a lot of variations to this question including:
- What’s the best dating app for relationships?
- What’s the best dating app for women over 30, 40, or 50?
- What are the best new dating apps?
- And, since I work a lot with New Yorkers, “What’s the best dating app for NYC?.”
Having faced months or even years of dating disappointment, it’s natural to hope that the right dating app might improve your chances of finding the right partner. However, these questions usually mask what the person is truly asking - is there an app that will make online dating easier, less disappointing, and less painful?
Can a dating app make online dating easier?
Alas, the solution to difficult dating isn’t the right app. But there are some steps you can take if you want to make it easier.
Begin by being thoughtful when choosing a dating app
Start by getting clear on your relationship goals
Are you looking for something serious and long-term or are hoping for something more casual? While it is possible to find true love on any app, apps that require more time, money, and effort are going to be more interesting to serious daters interested in long-term relationships.
Consider your demographics
Most dating sites are owned by Match with Bumble and eharmony being the notable exceptions. However, each site targets a slightly different demographic, with Tinder trending younger and Bumble being popular with women. You want to choose an app that has plenty of potential partners in your demographic.
Women who live in less populated areas will want to focus on identifying the app that is the most popular one in your area as it will have the highest number of potential matches.
Preferences are important
Ultimately the best dating app is the one you use, so if you prefer one app over another go with your natural inclination. You may want to try out several apps before settling on one especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a while and aren’t familiar with the new iterations of the apps.
Optimize your profile
There are a number of good reasons to ensure your profile reflects the real you. First, dating algorithms incorporate information from your profile and your activity on the site. These algorithms dictate which profiles you see and which profiles are shown to others. By filling out your profile completely and making it specific to who you are, you are helping the algorithm identify who might be the best match for you.
Second, while not everyone will read your profiles, more serious daters will. That means that many of the men who reach out will be indicating interest in you as a person, based on your profile. Conversely, men who aren’t interested won’t contact you, saving you time and, ultimately, heartbreak.
Here are tips on how to improve your dating app profile.
Make sure you have up-to-date flattering pictures in your profile
I can’t emphasize this enough. Pictures that look like you will help ensure that you will be going on a date with someone who finds you cute and attractive. This will save you time and disappointment in the long term. If you don’t have great pictures of yourself consider getting some taken by a professional photographer.
Have a strategy for dating
When you identify your dating strategy and follow the dating process that is most comfortable and appropriate for you, it will reduce many of the dating challenges that you’ve encountered in the past. You will be much more likely to maintain constant momentum towards your goal and more likely to find the right partner.
When you design your dating strategy you will want to consider things like:
- A plan for your first date including how to end them gracefully if it’s not a match, and how you will deal with inappropriate behavior.
- Your process for screening potential partners to ensure they are a good match.
- Any resources or support that you will need to ensure the successful outcome of your search.
Having a fully thought-out dating strategy will end the self-doubt and second-guessing that so often comes with dating and will put you on a sustainable path to meeting and finding the right partner for you. Good luck!
Still stuck?
If you have tried everything that you can think of to find a real relationship with a great guy but still haven’t been able to find it, I can help.
My coaching practice is dedicated to ensuring that successful professional women achieve the same success in their romantic relationships that they’ve in their careers.
If you’d like to know more about how you can develop a dating strategy to reduce your dating drama and find a great guy faster, I can help.
We all need help sometimes to make our dreams a reality. If you are ready to stop wasting time and make finding your Mr. Right a priority, the first step is to book a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll discuss your needs, dating priorities, and how we can partner to design a customized dating strategy that will empower you to find the relationship you desire with less emotional toll.

About Me
Hi, I’m Rachel Simeone and my coaching practice is designed to empower high-achieving professional women to achieve the same success in their romantic relationships that they have in their careers. As you follow my signature coaching program, you will learn to escape the misery of awful dates, meet better men and accelerate your ability to find a great partner.
To get started, schedule a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll identify your dating goals, establish your dating style, and discuss a dating strategy that will empower you to find the relationship you desire faster and with less emotional toll.