Have you ever needed a dress for a special occasion and realized that you had to go buy something new? Maybe you needed a new suit for a big presentation or a dress for a black-tie wedding you were attending.
If you like to shop, you may have headed off to Nordstrom’s or Bloomingdale's full of enthusiasm. Or, if you hate to shop, you may have gone with dread in your heart. In either case, did you buy the first thing you tried on? How many stores did you have to go to and how many dresses or suits did you have to try on to find something that felt right?
Do you give up or keep going?
When you go shopping for a dress, do you give up after 4-5 dresses and text your friends to meet for a drink? Or, do you keep going? Do you try on dress after dress until you find one that you like and that is within your budget? I bet you keep going.
Here is the thing about successful people, they are optimizers. Which means that they aren’t great at settling. They want the best. Whether that means doing their best at work or finding the thing that suits them best, successful people keep going until they achieve their goal.
Are you an optimizer?
Are you someone who is willing to go the extra distance to find the perfect dress? Do you spend extra time before a big presentation practicing what you are going to say and polishing the deck? Yes?
If you aren’t willing to settle on an outfit that is only meh, you aren't going to want to spend time with a guy who is sub-par either, right? Unfortunately, this means that you may have to go on a lot of dates to meet the best guy for you.
But a funny thing may happen when you start going on all those dates.
You may:
- Convince yourself that love should just happen naturally and that you should wait to meet a guy organically.
- Listen to well-meaning (but wrong!) advice that advises you to be less picky and keep an open mind.
- Get discouraged 40 dates in and start to doubt that you can find the right guy for you
You may lose your way
With all of those kinds of thoughts rattling around in your head, you may start to feel discouraged or start to doubt yourself. You may begin to wonder if you should give up.
When that happens, ask yourself if you quit before the proposal you delivered to your boss was perfect, or you if quit before finding the right outfit for that special event. Remind yourself that you’ve succeeded before and that you will also succeed in finding the perfect partner!
Ready to find love faster?
As a professional woman, you likely spend a good part of your working life developing annual plans, staffing plans, marketing plans, and financial plans.
If you’d like to know more about how you can develop a dating strategy to reduce your dating drama and find a great guy faster, I can help.
My coaching practice is dedicated to ensuring that successful women achieve the same success in their romantic relationships as they've had in their careers.
We need all help sometimes to make our dreams a reality. If you are ready to stop wasting time and to make finding your Mr. Right a reality, the first step is to book a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll discuss your needs, dating priorities, and how we can partner to design a customized dating strategy that will empower you to find the relationship you desire with less emotional toll.

About Me
Hi, I’m Rachel Simeone and my coaching practice is designed to empower high-achieving professional women to achieve the same success in their romantic relationships that they have in their careers. As you follow my signature coaching program, you will learn to escape the misery of awful dates, meet better men and accelerate your ability to find a great partner.
Check out my program to learn more about how we can partner to develop your custom dating strategy to the right relationship.
To get started, schedule a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll identify your dating goals, establish your dating style, and discuss a dating strategy that will empower you to find the relationship you desire faster and with less emotional toll.