Dating Quick Tip: Setting Intentions for Dating Success

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Before you go on a date, you may want to decide what kind of date you want to have.

One way to do this is by setting an intention. What’s an intention? One of the best descriptions I have heard comes from Monica Berg, host of the Spiritually Hungry podcast.  She describes intentions as “how you are being in the moment as you work toward your goals.”

How do you want to be during your next date?

By setting an intention, you get to decide how you want to show up during a date and what type of energy and behaviors you want to bring to the date. While all dates might be different, by setting an intention, you can actively take charge of your part of the date. Intentions are one way to take back your power when dating.

Here are 4 key questions to ask yourself when creating a dating intention:

  • How do I want to experience the date?
  • What do I hope to achieve personally on the date
  • How do I have to be to achieve my goal?
  • What kind of energy do I want to bring to my date?

Be sure to write down your intention

The next step is to craft your intention. Take a look at your answers to the questions above and begin to craft your intention. Be sure to write it down as your intention will likely iterate it before coming to the right dating intention for you. 

The most effective intentions are positive, specific, and simple. So for example, instead of setting an intention to not be so judgemental on a first date, a better intention for your date would be to stay open and curious on the date by asking open-ended questions. 

Imagine yourself acting on your intention on your next date

Once you have your intention, repeat it to yourself several times to ensure that you remember it easily.

Next, consider how you will practice your intention. Think about concrete moments that occur during your dates that can serve as a reminder to practice your intention.

Now imagine yourself on the date practicing your intention. Use all of your senses to place yourself at the date, what sounds, smells, and tastes are you experiencing? How are you feeling? Is it warm or cool? Are you standing or sitting? Are you relaxed or nervous? What is happening around you? Now take a deep breath and remember your intention. Finally, imagine yourself practicing your intention. How does it feel?

You may want to repeat that exercise several times before your next date to reinforce your intention.

After the date

Once the date is over, consider how it went. Celebrate what went well and identify any areas where you could improve. This will help you to remember your intention better on your next date.

What is your dating intention? I would love to hear it!

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