Online dating profile tips: How to make your dating bio better

dating profile bio online dating bio

As a dating coach, I see firsthand how challenging it can be for professional women to write an online dating profile. Some clients worry about the impact that online dating and their dating bio might have on their jobs. Others wonder if sharing too much about themselves might intimidate potential dates. And many struggle to find time between their full-time jobs and busy lives to write a profile.

To find a great relationship, one that's worthy of you, you need to attract the right guy and a well-written profile will make finding that guy a whole lot easier. To help, I've shared some tips that will help you  streamline writing your online profile so you can get dating! 

Check-in with yourself

When you sit down to write your bio the most important thing you can do is to check in with yourself. Does writing your bio sound like a fun opportunity to share what is unique and special about you with potential mates or does it feel like another mountain to be climbed to find your Mr. Right?

(If you’re convinced you won’t meet anyone great online, check out this post first.

Positive attracts positive so how you feel about writing your profile will impact both the quality of your profile and the type of person you attract. Therefore, it’s critically important to write your dating bio when you are in a positive space and ready to bring the energy of possibility to your bio-writing session. 

Start with what is important to you

The first step to writing a profile is to identify what is special about you and the qualities  you bring to a relationship.

You may argue that there is nothing particularly special about you. You may feel perfectly average. But it isn’t true. You are different. Consider how you spend your free time vs. how several of your friends spend theirs. How are your preferences different than theirs?

What do you enjoy doing on the weekends? What are things that make you happy? What do you enjoy about your work? Are there things you wish you had more time for?

Take a few minutes to consider the values behind your interests For example, time spent at the gym may come from a value of health. Or, it may come from a value of frugality because you don’t want to have to buy new clothes.

Sometimes the thing that is unusual about us is something that you may be a little ashamed of like a hidden passion for square dancing or beading. Yet, it is precisely those things that will differentiate you from the other profiles. Which is exactly what you are trying to do.

Can you imagine a commercial for orange juice where the message is that this OJ is just like all the other OJ’s? No? Then make sure your unique qualities show through on your bio.

Be super specific

Don't fill your dating bio with generic cliches you think men want to hear. Instead, be specific about what you enjoy. Do you like walking on the beach? Great, but what beach? What time of day? Do you like to play in the ocean waves afterward or plop down on a towel and settle into a good novel? Or, instead of a novel do you prefer to read the NYTimes?

Love traveling? Where and for how long? What is your perfect vacation day?  Do you prefer to go solo or as a group?

Instead of trying to appeal to everyone, focus on appealing to someone with similar interests and values.  If something in your profile discourages a potential date from contacting you, that's a good thing. You’ve eliminated someone who wasn’t the fit for you in the first place. This will save you time that you may have wasted getting to know someone who isn't right for you.

Use descriptive language

Instead of using a list of adjectives to describe yourself, try to paint a picture for your reader Combining your specific interests with descriptive language will help you to create a compelling image of yourself and your life. For example, instead of saying I like walks on a beach, here is an upgraded version:

When on vacation, I love to get out on the beach before breakfast. My feet on the soft wet sand and the water between my toes is my happy place. Afterward, a dip in the ocean gives me an appetite for the breakfast buffet. 

Remember that photos tell a story too

If you love to ski or, if bonsai plants are your thing, be sure to include a photo in your online profile. It will give your reader a clearer vision of who you are.

Consider the type of man that you hope to attract with your online profile

Are there specific values that you are looking for in your next partner? Are you hoping to meet someone who is a good parent to his kids? Someone who values health, eats well and exercises regularly? Someone who has a playful side?

Review your bio. Do you mention things that would be interesting to someone like that?

Ask a question to get the conversation started

Asking a question makes it easy for a man who is interested to send you a message. It’s a great way to encourage someone to message you.

Let it marinate

Set your profile aside for a few days then take another look at it. What type of energy does the bio have? What does the profile say about you?

Your profile should tell the story of you. It should highlight your unique combination of values and interests. It might tell the story of an adventurous world traveler, or a Netflix-loving girl next door. Either is great as long as it reflects you accurately.  

Ask your friends for feedback

Feel like you are almost done? Showing your profile to a close friend or two will give you a different perspective on what you’ve written. Usually, our friends see us in a more positive light than we see ourselves. This perspective can help you include things you may have overlooked.

You will want to select a friend who is positive, supportive, and knows you well. Ideally, you’ll want someone who has a way with words or a background in marketing.

Ask your friend to give feedback on your profile. Does it accurately reflect who you are? Is there anything you should add or take away?

Consider what your friend says and then make any revisions that make the bio more accurate, or compelling. 

What if you don’t have the right friend to ask? A dating coach can partner with you to uncover what is special about you and help you write a profile that captures the real you. 

Stop worrying that you’ll do it “wrong”

Yes, it can be a bit awkward to write about yourself, but what holds many women back is fear. Fear that you will say something wrong and miss out on your opportunity to find true love. Fear that no matter what you write men won’t be interested. Fear that this is a waste of time because there aren’t any nice guys on dating apps.

Don’t let this fear stop you from experiencing the joy of a loving relationship.  Push past the worry and focus on sharing the true you online.  Once you do, you will start to attract guys who are interested in you.

Need more help? 

For more tips on how to make your dating profile better try these posts:

Still Stuck?

If you find yourself stuck trying t to write a dating profile that attracts the right kind of guy, my free guide How to Write the Perfect Online Dating Profile is designed to unstick you. You can download it here.

If you’d like someone to help you write your bio, book a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll discuss your vision for you and how we can partner to make that happen.



About Me

Hi, I’m Rachel Simeone and my coaching practice is designed to empower high-achieving professional women to achieve the same success in their romantic relationships that they have in their careers.

As you follow my signature coaching program, you will learn to escape the misery of awful dates, meet better men, and accelerate your ability to find a great partner. For more information about the program and how we can work together check out my website.

Check out the program to learn more about how we can partner to develop your custom dating strategy to the right relationship.

To get started, schedule a free dating strategy call. On this call, we’ll identify your dating goals, establish your dating style, and discuss a dating strategy that will empower you to find the relationship you desire faster and with less emotional toll.

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